Agricultural Production – Corn and Forage – are produced using environmental practices – Integrated Protection (IP) and Biological Production Mode (BPM).
The Companhia das Lezírias cultivates an area of 336 hectares of corn (under pivot) in its Catapereiro production centre annually, under IP regime and about 3 050 ha of permanent biodiverse under Biological Production Mode (BPM) on Charneca.
CL’s main objective is the optimization of corn cultivation, through the gradual adoption of Precision Agriculture/Smart Farming, which aims at the agronomic, economic and environmental sustainability of the activity.
The geographical area of Meat production “Companhia das Lezírias” consists of about 18,000 hectares of the Companhia das Lezírias, located in the counties of Benavente, Vila franca de Xira and Salvaterra de Magos.
The grazing area has about 9.000 hectares, divided by Lezíria, Charneca and Catapereiro.
Produced intregrally in a protected area: Tagus Estuary Nature Reserve (TENR) and its Special Protection Zone (SPZ).
Specific production conditions contribute to the high quality of their products (weaned animals).
The specificity of bovine animals produced in the Companhia das Lezírias is the result of the following factors:
Cattle breed in Companhia das Lezírias, with a herd of about 3000 heads of cattle, originate mainly from cows of the indigenous breeds Mertolenga and Black explored in pure line:
In addition to direct grazing in rich pastures, for the occurrence of forage deficiency due to adverse climatic conditions and to ensure the best quality forage for animals, CL produces, every year, about 1 800 t of hay (consociations of grasses + legumes and spontaneous vegetation).
Foal and Products Destination
After weaning, males and females are separated and grouped by homogenous groups, depending on the intended purpose (replacement of the actual reproductive or sale to the market).
The groups of animals destined for the replenishment of the effective are kept in an extensive regime (pastures and hay produced in CL). The remaining animals are marketed by CL at weaning age.